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Kurban Bayramı 2023

Kurban Bayramı, also known as Sacrifice Feast, is a religious holiday commemorating Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice. Give Kurban today.

Turkiye has two important religious holidays – Kurban Bayramı (also known as Eid al-Adha in Arabic), and Ramazan Bayramı (also known as Eid al-Fitr in Arabic).

What is Kurban Bayramı?

Kurban Bayramı, also known as the Feast of the Sacrifice (or Sacrifice Feast), is a 4.5 day religious holiday to mark Eid al-Adha. It commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to show his faithfulness to Allah (SWT). The Sacrifice Feast traditions in Turkiye include sacrificing an animal in a special ritual, visiting relatives and helping the poor.

Giving Kurban Online 

You can simply give Kurban online using our Kurban calculator below!

Islamic Relief conducts Kurban around the world, and the prices vary depending on the cost of animals in the local areas where the sacrifice will be carried out. 

Kurban Prices 2023

It is advisable to give as early as possible. At Islamic Relief, we strive to implement the Kurban sacrifice over 3 days (10th to 12th Dhul Hijjah).

[SOLD OUT] Group A - £55

[SOLD OUT] Group B - £89

[SOLD OUT] Group C - £139

[SOLD OUT] Group D - £199

[SOLD OUT] Group E - £319

[SOLD OUT] UK Kurban - £199

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When is Kurban Bayramı?

Kurban Bayramı takes place over four days following the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah. The exact dates of the holiday changes every year because the Islamic calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon. Therefore, the date of this holiday rotates by approximately ten days each year. This year, Kurban Bayramı will be observed from Wednesday 28th June 2023 (dependent upon moon sighting).

What happens on Kurban Bayramı?

Kurban Bayramı is all about charity and community. Those who are able to sacrifice an animal during Kurban Bayramı are obliged to share it with the poor. The sharing of the sacrifice strengthens the sense of togetherness amongst communities, as well as allowing everyone to experience the same holiday joy regardless of their wealth.

Who has to give Kurban?

According to most Muslims, Kurban is highly recommended. According to the Hanafi school it is obligatory upon every sane adult Muslim male/female who has wealth in excess to his/her needs. Therefore, normally those who are eligible to pay Zakat are obliged to give Kurban.

Who is eligible to receive the sacrifice?

Islamic Relief has a set criteria and scoring systems in place to determine recipients of the sacrifice. The scoring system is based on the following criteria:

  • Families who live on less than the minimum income for that particular country.
  • Female-headed households.
  • Families with disabled and/or elderly persons.
  • Children under five years old.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Breastfeeding mothers.
  • Families with little or no access to the market.

A thorough assessment is therefore carried out by our teams to objectively identify the weighting and priority of each of the above criteria. These are then applied when selecting recipient families to ensure we reach the most vulnerable without bias.

When is Kurban 2023 performed?

Kurban Bayramı takes place over three days following the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah.  The slaughter will take place after the Eid prayer on Eid al-Adha (10th Dhul Hijjah) and ends up to sunset on the 13th Dhul Hijjah.  

This year, Kurban Bayramı will be observed from Wednesday 28th June 2023 (dependent upon moon sighting).

If you give Kurban on any of these days,  it will be carried out in time, as Islamic Relief has already purchased the animals to be slaughtered beforehand.

How much is Kurban? How are your prices defined?

Here at Islamic Relief, we ensure that only the best quality meat is used – all sacrificed according to Prophetic tradition. We therefore don’t compromise on quality and we deal with local suppliers to help local economies flourish.

Please see above for this year’s Kurban prices. 

Kurban prices vary according to the region in which they take place, as the cost of animals differs around the world. 

When defining the prices, we take the following factors into consideration: 

1. Quality 

Islamic Relief adopts high quality standards when it comes to selecting the sacrificial animals. Standards cover health, weight (meat yielded) and age.

Kurban is an act of worship and is loved by Allah, and it’s therefore very important to ensure that one offers the best possible offering. 

It’s also important to ensure that our brothers and sisters in need across the globe receive high quality meat with which to celebrate Eid and feed their families. 

Here at Islamic Relief, we aim to help empower communities to become self-reliant. We ensure that our Kurban programme supports the economic development of our farmers. You can find out more about our Quality Assured Qurbani programme here.

2. Transportation

We source a country’s own produce for Kurban wherever we can – so our prices reflect local prices.

This is usually the cheapest way to carry out your Kurban and it minimises the carbon footprint. Buying from the local community helps local traders and farmers, as well as the local economy.

However, sometimes the most vulnerable families live in remote areas, and we must transport meat to hard-to-reach areas. For families affected by conflict or natural disasters, it can be even more challenging. 

This can make transportation costs slightly higher, which impacts the Kurban price. 

How much Kurban should I give? 

It is a matter of personal choice in how much Kurban one should give. 

However, as with all affairs in our life, it’s important to follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) offered two Qurbanis. One for the sake of Allah (SWT), and the second Qurbani was on behalf of his Muslim brothers and sisters who couldn’t afford to give one.

You may wish to undertake one Qurbani in the UK with Islamic Relief and one abroad as an example and this is permissible. Find out more about a Prophetic Qurbani here.

Kurban to over four million people 

With your support, in 2022 we provided high-quality Kurban meat to over 4 million vulnerable people across 28 countries around the world, such as Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Syria, as well as to those in need in the UK.

Alhamdulillah, your donations brought joy to vulnerable families across the globe, many of whom do not know where their next meat is coming from. 

So as we remember the struggle and dedication of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice for the sake of Allah, make your sacrifice with Islamic Relief and support a family in need.

This Dhul Hijjah reap the rewards of the 10 best days. Donate Now.

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We ensure our content is reviewed and verified by qualified scholars to provide you with the most accurate information. This webpage was last reviewed by Sheikh Saalim Al-Azhaari.

Page last reviewed: 30th May 2023.

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