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Jumada Al-Awwal

What is Jumada al-Awwal?

Jumada al-Awwal is the fifth month of the Islamic (hijri) calendar. It is also referred to as Jumada al-Ula.

Jumada al-Awwal is the fifth month of the Islamic Calendar. There are no specific deeds associated with this month, but many important Islamic events took place, which we can reflect on and draw important lessons from. 

Some scholars believe that Jumada al-Awwal was the month in which the Prophet (PBUH) married Sayyida Khadija (RA). This was a very blessed marriage, and the children and descendants from their marriage went on to enlighten Islam and spread Islam. 

 Some narrations mention Sayyida Khadija (RA)to be one of only 4 women in Islam who have achieved perfect faith. She was the first person to accept Islam, and provided constant emotional and financial support to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

Some scholars have opined that Sayyida Zainab (RA), the granddaughter of the Prophet (PBUH) through his beloved daughter Sayyida Fatima Zahra (AS) was born on 5th Jumada al-Awwal. Sayyida Zainab (RA) was one of the bravest and most eloquent women in Islamic history and is a great role model for Muslim women today. She endured great hardships throughout her life, including the death of her beloved mother and witnessing her loved ones being martyred before her eyes during the Battle of Karbala. 

She is known for having immense faith in Allah and upholding high moral standards, manifested in the powerful speech she delivered in the court of Yazid after the Battle of Karbala, where she fearlessly made a stand against tyranny. 

Another significant event to take place in Jumada Al-Awwal, is the Mu’tah battle between 100, 000 Roman and Arab troops, and just 3, 000 Muslim soldiers. Despite being heavily outnumbered, Allah granted victory to the Muslims.

When is Jumada al-Awwal?

The month will begin on 3rd November 2024, following on from the month of Rabi al-Thani.

It was common practice for the people of pre-Islamic Arabia to name the months according to the season that they occurred in, or the common practices of the time. The word Jumada derives from a word meaning dry parched land, or a land devoid of rain. It could also mean to freeze. This could be related to the weather conditions at the time when the months were first named historically. However, as the Islamic year operates on the lunar calendar and therefore moves forward 11-12 days each year. This means that the name of the month may no longer correspond to the weather conditions it was named after, or the practices originally associated with it.

What is the importance of Jumada al-Awwal?

Jumada al-Awwal is not a special month of worship. However, Allah (SWT) and His messenger the Prophet (SAW) recommend voluntary acts. For instance, giving sadaqah jaariyah, reciting the Qur’an, istighfar and performing voluntary prayers all year round.

It is important to use your time wisely. For the Believer, every moment, every day is a precious opportunity for reward and to wipe sins away with good deeds.

“Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death”

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)- Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim

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We ensure our content is reviewed and verified by qualified scholars to provide you with the most accurate information. This webpage was last reviewed by Sheikh Saalim Al-Azhaari.

Page last reviewed: 31st January 2023.

Next review due: Within 12 months

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