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Muyassar, a 46-year-old Syrian refugee supported by Islamic Relief in Jordan

16 Days of Activism: in Jordan celebrating the role of women in times of conflict

In a world torn apart by conflict, the resilience of women is so often a shining light in the darkness and despair.

Women like Muyassar, a 46-year-old Syrian refugee supported by Islamic Relief in Jordan, keep their families together through extraordinary adversity, holding on to hope for a brighter future.

In supporting the annual United Nations-led 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence campaign, Islamic Relief is inspired by so many women we work with. We are telling their stories to celebrate their spirit and determination and to encourage generous support for the work we are doing to protect and empower vulnerable women and their families.

A mother’s courageous journey

The Syrian crisis that erupted in 2011 has shattered many families, leaving women like Muyassar as the sole providers for their children. Her husband disappeared during the crisis, but she has shown formidable strength in caring alone for their 4 children—Saif, Yara, Tuqa, and Bayan.

Bearing the brunt of war

Tuqa, Muyassar’s 21-year-old daughter, is living proof of the devastating impact of crises on the most vulnerable. Women and children suffer disproportionately in conflict situations, and a missile strike left Tuqa with a platelet disorder and significant vision loss. The injuries and trauma have profoundly affected Tuqa’s life.

Struggling to get back to normal

Despite the chaos enveloping their lives, Muyassar has continued to strive for as normal a life as possible for her beloved children. Her participation in Islamic Relief’s Self-Reliance for Refugee Women in Jordan project has proved to be a positive step towards reclaiming autonomy, empowering her with culinary skills that could lead to financial independence.

Muyassar’s reflection on her family’s life before the conflict is poignant. They were forced to abandon the comfortable home they had in Syria for the challenging environment and more basic conditions of a cramped refugee camp across the border in Jordan. Thanks to Islamic Relief, Muyassar is getting the support she needs to bounce back from adversity and forge new opportunities.

From despair to hope

The project’s psychosocial support and professional training have ignited a spark of optimism in Muyassar. What she is receiving is so much more than training; it is real hope of a brighter future. Her dream is to convert her new-found culinary expertise into a sustainable business. Her ambition is not just about economic survival; it is about restoring dignity and providing a sense of purpose for her family.

Muyassar is thankful to Islamic Relief for our support and highlights the importance of the programmes we run to help women dispossessed and displaced by crises. Our projects make a real difference in people’s lives, she says, and deserve support. When we all work together, we can make a big impact.

The power of solidarity

With your support we can invest more in preventing violence, in protecting those affected by it, and in helping families to rebuild their shattered lives.

Please help us strengthen the resilience of families like Muyassar’s so that women and children affected by conflict and violence have the chance of a better future. Donate now to be a part of our transformative mission.

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