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Grants for UK domestic programmes

Islamic Relief UK has a strong track record of partnership working with key not-for-profit and community interest organisations across the UK. We’ve been working with UK-based NGOs and local projects to deliver a domestic programme of work since 2015 and are building key relationships and networks across the UK.

Our domestic-based projects and partnerships aim to:

  • Build greater resilience to poverty
  • Combat challenges faced by women
  • Supporting refugees and asylum-seeking populations
  • Promote and facilitate the development of young people and their families

Some of our many partnerships have included collaboration with: Oxfam GB, The Scout Association, Crisis UK, The Children’s Society, The Bike Project and many others.

Apply for funding: Grants for UK domestic programmes

Eligibility Criteria

We build partnerships with UK-based organisations working in a range of key areas. To be eligible to apply for funding, your organisation/project must work alongside our key strategic domestic aims:

Building resilience to poverty:

  • Prioritising programme delivery within disadvantaged and vulnerable communities
  • Incorporating sustainability within programme initiatives
  • Developing  the capacity of local communities to address issues of poverty

Combating challenges faced by women:

  • Providing economic opportunities for women
  • Supporting survivors of domestic abuse
  • Developing the confidence and skills of women

Supporting refugee and asylum-seeking populations:

  • Prioritising work which supports and promotes the rights of refugee communities
  • Engaging in projects which empower refugee communities socially and financially

Promoting and facilitating the development of young people and their families:

  • Engaging young people in positive activities
  • Encouraging youth leadership and confidence-building
  • Supporting disadvantaged BAMER populations

Applications will only be considered if an organisation can demonstrate how they meet one (or more) of our key aims. We are particularly seeking applications from organisations which demonstrate:

  • Strong local or subject area expertise
  • Working to involve beneficiaries in the planning and delivery of their programmes

Applications are welcome from organisations such as: local community, self-help or voluntary groups and charities (including local branches of national charities) acting for the benefit of the local community.

Although you do not have to be a registered charity to be eligible to apply for our grants, your work and the focus of your application must be for charitable purposes in the UK. All applicants will undergo a through screening process.

All organisations must also, as a basic requirement, have a constitution and a bank account.

If you believe that your organisation fits our key criteria, please consider applying.

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