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young girl standing in front of a mobile classroom in jordan provided by islamic relief

Mobile classrooms


can provide a school desk and chair for a student

can provide a child with a space in a new school

can support the education of a child with special needs

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At Islamic Relief, we work to provide sustainable and adaptive solutions to some of the world’s foremost crises that result from poverty, natural and climate disasters, war and conflict, economic decline and more.

In countries such as Sudan, Syria and Jordan, where there is a high refugee population due to mass displacement caused by war and conflict, millions of children are barred from access to an education that could open doors to a much brighter future.

Mobile classrooms and schools work in remote areas and informal settlements like refugee camps mainly consisting of tents, for children that usually face difficulties in reaching schools. These mobile classrooms or schools reach the most vulnerable children and have proven to be successful in improving the education of communities in need.

According to the World Bank, while tremendous progress in accessible education has been made in developing countries, it took an equally tremendous hit from the Covid-19 pandemic. School closures across the world and particularly in developing countries, where children may have already been travelling miles from remote areas for their education, had a detrimental effect during the pandemic. By April 2020, 1.6 billion children were out of school, and the recovery has been difficult.

Thanks to solutions such as mobile schools, we were able to deliver a quality education to hundreds of thousands of children in need. With your vital support, Islamic Relief has been able to support over 285,000 education projects across 21 countries, including our mobile schools.

Children everywhere deserve a quality education, and thanks to you, children in some of the world’s most deprived regions of the world are still able to access the education they need to help them break free from the poverty cycle.

Learn more about the work we do to provide education to people in need worldwide.

Please donate now and help save lives.

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