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Islamic Relief UK expresses gratitude to Celtic FC Foundation for amazingly generous donation of £10,000 to Morocco earthquake appeal

Islamic Relief UK is delighted to announce that our close friends at Celtic FC Foundation have donated £10,000 to its Morocco earthquake appeal. The money will go a long way in ensuring vital aid is delivered to the survivors and that more people can be supported and rehabilitated after this devastating natural disaster.  

Celtic FC Foundation and Islamic Relief UK have been working together to support families in Glasgow struggling with the cost of living crisis delivering food packages, and making sure local food banks are well stocked. Both organisations are pleased to be working together again to deliver vital aid to those in need.  

The earthquake hit Morocco on 8th September at 11.11pm in the High Atlas region. 2,100 people have already been reported to have been killed with the death toll likely to rise as rescue teams continue to search for survivors.  

Some villages have been completely flattened and residents are using whatever equipment they can find as they struggle to help their neighbours. Blocked roads are preventing ambulances from reaching the wounded, and while officials are scrambling to clear debris, rescue and relief efforts are difficult amid the mountainous terrain, risk of landslides, and large distances. 

Islamic Relief team on the ground will be supporting local organisations to provide relief to survivors, including food, shelter and other items. The aid agency has also launched an appeal to raise £10 million to help with relief efforts.  

Nadeem Baqir, Scotland Regional Manager at Islamic Relief UK comments, “The news of such a devastating earthquake over the weekend was heartbreaking to hear. In times of crisis like this, it is heartening to see such generosity from our donors, who have been giving whatever they can. 

We have been so grateful to the reaction to our fundraising appeal and appreciate any amount donated.”

We thank Celtic FC Foundation for their truly astounding £10,000 donation to help support those in need during this devastating crisis.”

Nadeem Baqir, Scotland Regional Manager at Islamic Relief UK.

Celtic FC Foundation Chief Executive, Tony Hamilton, said: “The tragic events in Morocco over the past few days have been extremely sad.”

At Celtic FC Foundation, we will always aim to support those most in need in instances such as this, and with our great friends at Islamic Relief having reacted so quickly to provide aid, we are humbled to be able to offer a contribution to their efforts.

Tony Hamilton, Celtic FC Foundation Chief Executive.

“Celtic FC Foundation is also planning to take a group of fundraisers over to Morocco this coming February for a Sahara Desert Challenge, so this is also very poignant to us and to all involved. 

“We are grateful to Islamic Relief UK for their incredible work, and we hope that those affected in Morocco can slowly begin to recover and heal from this recent tragedy.” 


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Support our Morocco Earthquake Emergency Appeal

A devastating earthquake of 6.8 magnitude has hit the High Atlas region in Morocco, killing over 2,000 people. Help save lives and donate now.


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