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Dear Lifesaver Podcast – Episode #2: The Dangers of Voluntourism

Welcome to the Dear Lifesaver podcast!

On the Dear Lifesaver podcast, we’re tackling some big questions we have about aid in the 21st century, finding out what it takes to save a life, and exploring how faith factors into all of this.

The biggest question is, could you help save and transform more lives by learning something new about humanitarian aid?In this episode, Nabilah and Sara are speaking with Pippa Biddle. 

In 2014, an essay titled ‘The Problem With Little White Girls, Boys and Voluntourism’ went viral.

In it, the author shared their experiences previously engaging with voluntourism, and revealing the detrimental impact it was having on vulnerable communities across the world.

That essay belonged to Pippa, and now, some years later, she’s the author of the recently released book, ‘Ours to Explore: Privilege, Power, and the Paradox of Voluntourism’.

We’re speaking to Pippa to help us unpack what happens when the tourism industry meets international development, its dangers to your local and global community, and how to more meaningfully engage with volunteer work.

Click below to listen to this episode or stream us on Spotify, Acast, Apple Podcasts, or your favourite podcast streaming service.

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