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Categories – Lifesaver Awards 2019

Find out more about each award category below, and see which volunteer have been selected as the finalists and winners for each award.

Volunteering Awards

Dr Hany El-Banna Award (Lifetime Achievement Award)

A special award to recognise a long serving volunteer who has continued to show loyalty and commitment to the Islamic Relief family. The candidate is a role model to other volunteers and to the wider community for their contribution to this sector.

The winner will be selected by the awards judging panel at Islamic Relief UK.

[WINNER] Fatimah, Nadeem and Safah (Ilyas family)

UK Director’s Award (Volunteer of the Year)

This award is to recognise a long standing volunteer who has sacrificed their time and devoted their energy to pursue excellence in their volunteering role over the previous year (1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019). This will be awarded to a volunteer who has demonstrated leadership skills, and has been a great team player contributing to the well-being of the volunteering team.

The nominee must also have shown innovation and creativity in their approach, and has made a significant impact in the community who in turn have continued to save lives.


  • Aaminah Wali (Scotland)
  • Fatima Khasimi (London & South)
  • Muriam Bi (North East)
  • Sumayya Memoniat (East Midlands) [WINNER]

The Ambassador (Regional Volunteer of the Year)

This award is to recognise long standing volunteers who have sacrificed their time and devoted their energy to pursue excellence in their volunteering role during the year (1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019) within their region.

These volunteers have been dedicated to the cause, getting involved in all aspects of the work and have been a great team player. One winner will be selected per region.

This category finalist will be provided by their respective regional staff and will be awarded by the awards judging panel.


  • Amara Hassan
  • Asim Mahmood
  • Fizza Naveed
  • Reehan Atif [WINNER] 

North East:

  • Ammad Qureshi
  • Jack Woodhouse [WINNER] 
  • Muriam Bi
  • Tehmeena Ahmed

North West:

  • Aisha Valli
  • Humara Hussain & Family [WINNER] 
  • Mirum Jinnah
  • Yassir Naeem

East Midlands:

  • Halima & Shafia
  • Imdad
  • Sara Arshad
  • Soulymane Abdulmolla [WINNER] 

West Midlands:

  • Asem Al-Himyari
  • Sara Younis [WINNER] 
  • Yasmeen Ismail
  • Zalika Stewart

London & South:

  • Nazifa and Anisa
  • Ishityaq Siddiqui
  • Farhad Miah
  • Abdul Hanif [WINNER] 

The Social Guru (Digital Ambassador of the Year)

A real ambassador of Islamic Relief who has shown commitment, dedication and innovation in engaging people via digital communication channels to promote Islamic Relief’s work.


  • Abdul Samad (London & South)
  • Amara Hassan (Scotland)
  • Aneesah S. Latkan (Midlands East) [WINNER] 
  • Zohaib Ali (North East)

The Champion (Community Impact Award)

To recognise a volunteer run project that has demonstrated commitment to improving the wider community and reached out to work with a new partner organisation or client group – or has strengthened an existing partnership by working in new and innovative ways.


  • Faiza Haq (Scotland) [WINNER] 
  • Hassan Zaveri / Zucchero Desserts (East Midlands)
  • Muriam Bi (North East)
  • Tooting Islamic Centre Eco Ramadan (London & South)

The Challenger (Challenge Award)

To recognise a challenger who has overcome their fears to take on a challenge of a lifetime, whilst also using innovative methods to raise funds for our life-saving work.


  • Assad Hussain (Scotland)
  • Muriam Bi (North East) [WINNER] 
  • Sara Younis (West Midlands)
  • Sulaymane Abdulmolla (East Midlands)

The Visionary (Creativity Award)

A volunteer who has been innovative and creative in their approach to push Islamic Relief messaging to peers and the wider community. This volunteer will have shown creativity and have implemented their ideas effectively as well as demonstrated commitment and leadership.


  • Amara Hassan (Scotland)
  • Imtiaz Ahmed (East Midlands) [WINNER] 
  • Ishtiyaq Siddiqui (London & South)
  • Naeem Kothdiwala (North West)

The Campaigner (Campaigns Volunteer of the Year)

This award recognises a volunteer committed to campaigning and advocating on behalf of Islamic Relief.

This person has exceeded expectation and played an active part in campaigning on issues such as climate change, gender based violence, and/or advocated on behalf of vulnerable people suffering the effects of conflict in countries such as Syria and Yemen.


  • Abdullah Al-Shekhly (East Midlands)
  • Hamzah Adam (North West)
  • Muriam Bi (North East)
  • Tahian Ahmed (London & South) [WINNER] 

The Implementer (Project Leader of the Year)

To recognise project leader(s) who have successfully organised and led a volunteering project with Islamic Relief. Nominations will be considered for a leader or group of leaders who have led by example and shown passion for their project, being creative and original in their approach.


  • Aaminah Wali (Scotland)
  • Faiza Haq (Scotland)
  • Mohammad Gangat (East Midlands) [WINNER] 
  • Sara Arshad (East Midlands)

The Supporter (Donor Care Volunteer of the Year)

A volunteer who has sacrificed their time, day and night, answering calls and providing excellent customer service.  A team player who has seamlessly integrated with the Supporter Relations department and assisted in the smooth running of its operations.


  • Ishtiyaq Siddiqui
  • Khan Family [WINNER] 
  • Nadia Oulahen
  • Tahir Khan

The People’s Award (Islamic Relief Staff Member of the year)

To recognise a staff member who has gone beyond the call of duty and impacted the lives of volunteers.


  • Huzaifa Lorgat (East Midlands)
  • Jamal Afzal (North West) [WINNER] 
  • Nabeel Ghaffar (Scotland)
  • Qasim Alyas (West Midlands)

Awards for The Cake Campaign (The Cakies)

Most Cakes Sold (Regional Award)

Based upon official figure for which region has sold the most cakes

[WINNER] London & South (10,917 cakes sold)[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]

Most Cakes Sold (City Award)

Based upon official figure for which city has sold the most cakes.

[WINNER] London (4,454 cakes sold)[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]

Best Delivery Driver

We were blessed to have so many dedicated delivery drivers who helped make The Cake Campaign a huge success. This award aims to recognise the volunteers who turned up week in week out to deliver cakes – starting early, happy to finish late and always extremely efficient!

One winner will be selected per region.

2019 Winners:

  • East Midlands – Anisa & Aisha Ahmed
  • London & South – Mohsan Razzaq
  • North East – Ameen Ali
  • North West – Usman Shafi
  • West Midlands – Arusa & Anaiya Mahmood

Best Picture

Decided by vote on social media.

Total votes: 423

Scotland: 29
London and South:119
[WINNER] North East: 148
Manchester Eid Festival: 127

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