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AspIR – Volunteer development programme

Empowering and enjoyable, volunteering your time also encourages personal development and social growth, enhancing every individual’s life skills in the process.

Recognising the importance of all our dedicated volunteers, the volunteer development programme is another way for Islamic Relief to give back to those who have given so much to IR. As such, we offer a range of training programmes which are each brought to your own region across the UK aimed at enhancing your skills and further developing your knowledge of the international development field.

Details of the forthcoming programme will be advertised via our volunteer newsletter.

‘Stand Up, Speak Up’ Training Programme

Our public speaking training programme took place in four cities across the UK. Jonathon Drew delivered key training on effective public speaking techniques in Glasgow, Leicester, London and Mnchester to a number of volunteers.


“The programme was very useful in developing my understanding of how to speak in front of an audience. For example, learning how to vary in tone and how to address the audience with eye contact and presentation were particularly useful skills that I picked up. “Personally, it helped me massively in improving my confidence in speaking in front of large audiences which I previously struggled with.”

Haroon, Glasgow

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