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a female nurse looking into the mouth of a young child orphan medical care islamic relief

Orphan medical care

just £10 a month can provide medical care for an orphan, their siblings or guardian, exactly when it is most needed
just £20 a month can provide medical care for two orphans, their siblings or guardians, exactly when it is most needed
just £30 a month can provide medical care for three orphans, their siblings or guardians, exactly when it is most needed
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Millions of children across the globe are orphans. Without the support of parents, many are highly vulnerable and denied a safe place to live and play, as well as access to quality education, medical care, and food. 

For orphaned children facing emergency or long-term health conditions, life is even more difficult. 

Many suffer with pain, disabilities and even life-threatening conditions, but cannot access the care, equipment and medicines they need. 

Every day is a struggle for these children, and many are sadly unable to recover on their own.

Our orphan medical care fund provides orphaned children with the care and support they need  for a better quality of life and a brighter future.

Challenges children are currently facing

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69 million

children worldwide suffer from malnutrition (World Bank).

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5 million

children under the age of 5 die each year from preventable illnesses.

How Islamic Relief are supporting

Islamic Relief supports families and orphaned children affected by war, bereavement, poverty and ill-health. Through our sponsorship programme, we help children to look forward to a better future.

In some cases, where an orphan requires urgent medical aid, additional funds are needed to cover specific costs. 

You can help provide critical medical care for an orphan, their siblings or guardian, exactly when it is most needed. 

Almira's story

51-year-old Almira lives in a Priluk, in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina.
After her husband passed away, she was left to raise her children alone, including a son who has cerebral palsy and needs constant support and assistance.
Almira was in desperate need of financial and emotional support.

Islamic Relief’s Orphan Sponsorship Programme provided Almira with a lifeline, offering not just financial aid for her son Meris, but also the emotional and mental support that she so desperately needed.

Find out more about the support Almira received for her son Meris here.

 By providing a monthly donation of £10, you can provide medical care for an orphan, their siblings or guardian, exactly when it is most needed. This ensures that funds are always available when urgent medical care is required.

This enables us to cover the cost of emergency care, travel to hospitals, prescriptions and medical equipment such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, and eyewear. These funds also help orphans affected by chronic and long-term illnesses such as asthma and diabetes.

Last year, Islamic Relief covered the costs of major surgical operations involving brain surgery, breast cancer, and spinal issues in 16 countries. We also provided medical treatment for significant ailments such as epilepsy and heart disease, as well as kidney dialysis and eyesight correction.

With your help, we can help even more children.

At Islamic Relief, we don’t believe in simply providing one-off care to support children and orphans in need. We instead invest in children’s long-term futures, supporting their families, carers and local communities to provide long-lasting safe sustainable solutions to poverty and inequality.

Donate to Islamic Relief and help save lives. 

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