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Media Calendar

Islamic Relief UK Media Calendar

October 2023

DateActivityDescriptionContent Available
OngoingEast Africa hunger crisisThe situation in East Africa is worsening as families are being impacted by famine. Islamic Relief is on the ground providing assistance. Spokespeople are available in the region to speak about the impact in Kenya, Somalia, and Sudan.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
OngoingPakistan floods: One year onIslamic Relief is rebuilding houses for people who were hit by the devasting floods of 2022. The charity also has rehabilitation programmes, health centres and projects helping women who have all been affected by the disaster. Climate change is wreaking havoc on communities around the world.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
OngoingLibya and Morocco disastersThe devasting floods in Libya and the earthquake in Morocco have destroyed people's lives. Although it is out of the news headlines, the suffering continues.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
TBC OctoberWest Ham Football Club food distributionIslamic Relief UK will work with West Ham Football Club to distribute food to families struggling to feed themselves.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
2nd OctoberNaz Shah MP and the Very Reverend Andy Bowerman, Dean of Bradford to stand in solidarity with communities in Jaranwala, Pakistan,The MP for Bradford West and Dean met Christian families who were affected by riots in Jaranwala and were provided with emergency aid by the charity Islamic Relief.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
3rd OctoberConservative Party ConferenceIslamic Relief UK held an event at the conference to highlight the Pakistan floods one year on and the need for the UK government to seriously commit to the loss and damage fund to help those affected by climate change. Global warming is increasing the frequency and intensity of weather-related disasters such as floods and cyclones.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
5th OctoberWorld Teachers Day UNIslamic Relief works around the world to help build schools and support children's education. case studies and stories can be shared.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
10th OctoberLabour Party ConferenceIslamic Relief will hold an event at the conference to highlight the cost of living crisis in the UK.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
10th OctoberWorld Mental Health DayIslamic Relief UK works with the Muslim Youth Helpline which has seen an increase in the number of calls they are receiving.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
11th OctoberInternational Girl dayIslamic Relief is working across the world to support and empower women and girls facing barriers and challenges.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
12th OctoberMuslim Charities Forum conventionThe Muslim charities forum which represents all the key UK Muslim-based charities is holding a convention to demonstrate their work. Islamic Relief will be holding workshops at the eventSpokespeople and case studies are available.
17th OctoberInternational day for the eradication of povertyIslamic Relief is working towards helping to alleviate poverty around the world through income generation projects and livelihood assistance.Spokespeople and case studies are available.
23th-29th October 2023Charity WeekOver the last 20 years, Charity Week has raised vital funds to support 580,000 orphans and vulnerable children through orphan care, education, and emergency relief projects across 36 countries. Universities and students across the country will participate in Charity Week, for Islamic Relief.Spokespeople and case studies are available.

Contact our media team

For any questions or to request to interview one of our spokespeople, please contact:

Jonaid Jilani: [email protected], 07872 403 534

William Jones: [email protected], 07543 221 746

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